
Brain Drain: A Bane for Developing countries

Brain Drain is a curse for developing countries as highly educated and trained citizens are expected to serve their nation and boost their nation's economy. The best of the brains i.e . the highly educated and talented people move out of the country because of better opportunities abroad which means people who could have helped in boosting the nation's economy are no more there. Also, education in developing countries does not support talent across various fields as every student may not be good in studies and have talent in a different field, so those students try for admissions abroad, get selected and study abroad. Here, developed countries get an advantage of getting talented brains from across the world. It is an alarming situation for developing countries, since, their best brains are leaving and their scope for development of the nation is reducing.                                   ...

Brain Drain

N owadays, everyone wants better opportunities and a better lifestyle for themselves and their families. Being wealthy and healthy is what every other person desires. In today's world of competition wherein everyone aspires to be ahead of others, people out there aren't minding in finding the best of opportunities for themselves abroad. It has become a latest trend to pursue opportunities in abroad. Here comes the concept of Brain drain. Brain drain also known as  H uman C apital F light is a concept that emerged in 1960s that refers to people who migrate from their domestic country to another country in search for better opportunities and lifestyle for themselves. In this, highly educated and trained individuals move out to another country, use their skills for the development of that country for better earnings. It has become a major concern for developing countries as they are not able to retain their talented citizens since they aren't able to provide their people...